Rocket Riders has 38* custom achievements to earn as you play!
Below is a comprehensive list of all the achievements, divided into categories based on their level of difficulty, along with a short description of their criteria.
(Note that these are currently inaccessible on the CubeKrowd version of Rocket Riders due to server limitations.)
Easy Achievements
- Deus Ex Machina: Win the game while your portal is exposed.
- I Am Speed: Arrive at the Finish Flag first in Chase Mode.
- I Can See My House from Here!: Get launched high in the sky by a Nova Rocket.
- I’m Helping: Let your team win a game, but never fire a single missile yourself.
- I Swear I Had It: Lose the game while you are near the enemy base with a missile in your inventory.
- It’s Raining Men!: Fall in the void 30 times in one game.
- Missile Sabotage: Destroy 1000 TNT blocks (all-time).
- Pacifist: Win a game without killing anyone.
- Veteran: Use every missile and utility at least once.
Medium Achievements
- Clay Pigeon: Kill a levitating player.
- Fire Within Me: Get a kill while being on fire.
- Forsaken: Start the game with a teammate who leaves soon after and still win.
- Get off My Lawn: Kill an enemy on your Canopy.
- Gravitational Shootout: Land five shots on players while falling in one game.
- Immortal: Do not die during a game.
- Just Give Me That Flag Already: Get killed on your own base.
- Lockdown: Keep the Powerup Platform under your team’s possession for one consecutive minute.
- | || || |_: Lose a game after having a 10-game win streak.
- One is the Loneliest Number: Win a game against a team of two or more players by yourself.
- Premature Celebration: Win a game before it becomes a tie.
- Revenge from the Grave!: Get a kill right after you die.
- Simple and Clean: Win a game in under two minutes without your base taking any damage.
- They’re Useful!: Prevent 20 explosions (all-time) using the Splash.
- Under the Sea: Kill someone while submerged in water.
- You Shouldn’t Bee Here!: Get killed by a Bee in Powerups Mode.
Hard Achievements
- A Whole New World: Ride a missile with another teammate at or above Y=160.
- Ballet Dancer: Sprint and jump for the entire game.
- Blocks into Bits: Kill 10 players (all-time) by hitting them directly with a Fireball.
- Ground Bound: Do not jump in a game at all and win.
- Inaccurate but Committed: Ride a missile to the world border.
- Moonwalker: Walk backwards for the entire game.
- Regifting: Return an enemy Fireball back to the enemy team five times in one game.
- So Close, yet so Fall Away: Fall on the enemy team’s portal and die.
- Soul Collector: Get 50 player kills in one game.
- Swiss Cheese: Win a game while your base is heavily damaged.
- Traveler: Reach the enemy base and then return to your base without dying.
- Volcanic Hatred: Kill an enemy with a Lava Splash in Powerups Mode.
*Did you only count 37 achievements? That’s because there’s 1 hidden achievement. See if you can find it!