
The Splash is the most useful item a throwable water bottle that places a temporary 2x2 stream of water wherever it lands. Water placed by the Splash cannot replace non-air blocks.

The motion of the Splash projectile in Rocket Riders is custom-designed and does not behave like normal splash potion bottles in Minecraft. This is in order to ensure it can be used reliably to save players from fall damage, among other uses (as detailed below).

Use Cases

Splashes are actually incredibly useful — more than anyone else truly seems to recognize or appreciate. Hmph.

Here’s Rocket Riders co-creator Evtema3’s TOP TEN REASONS WHY SPLASHES ARE USEFUL:

  1. You can prevent fall damage when falling from a large height by throwing a Splash on the floor.
  2. You can slow down enemies chasing you by throwing a Splash behind you.
  3. You can save yourself from falling into the void by throwing a Splash against a surface and climbing up the water stream.
  4. You can prevent explosions by throwing a Splash onto the TNT. (This is part of the They’re Useful! achievement!)
  5. You can restart a missile by throwing a Splash to update a piston/observer in the engine.
  6. You can also disable a missile by throwing a Splash to update a piston/observer in the engine.
  7. You can put yourself out when you’re on fire by throwing a Splash against yourself.
  8. You can throw a Splash on a Canopy to “water” it, thereby extending its duration by 10 seconds. (You can also put out a fire-poofed Canopy by throwing a Splash onto the leaves; however, the leaves will decay rapidly anyway, so this isn’t really as useful.)
  9. You can put out the fire in flame arrows by throwing a Splash and having the arrows fly into the water.
  10. You can completely destabilize a Vortex by throwing a Splash inside it. The placed water triggers the Vortex to explode while at the same time negating explosion damage.

Gamemode/Modifier Specific Behavior

In Powerups Mode, players may obtain a Lava Splash, which functions exactly the same as a normal Splash but places a 2x2 stream of lava wherever it lands instead. The water and lava may be combined to form cobblestone, smooth stone, and even obsidian, which is all intended and all cleaned up during arena clears.

Also in Powerups Mode, players may receive Tridents, which automatically gain the Riptide enchantment when the player is inside a water stream created by a Splash.

The Splash is not obtainable in Swap Mode.

When the Splash Streams modifier is enabled, Splashes (including the Lava Splash) will place down permanent rather than temporary streams.