1v1 Duel Mode

1v1 Duel Mode is a gamemode which pits two players against each other in a ranked best-of-three. On CubeKrowd, Rocket Riders lobbies 3 and 4 force the game to be played in this mode.


The teams in 1v1 Duel Mode (and most other gamemodes by extension) are Yellow and Blue. Items and bases are colored after these teams. (Note the difference from the Red and Green teams in Missile Wars.)


The objective of 1v1 Duel Mode is to win 2 of 3 matches. The objective of each match is the same as in Normal Mode - destroying the enemy player’s portal while defending your own.


Matches are the individual games played within a game of 1v1 Duel Mode. Each match is identical to a game of Normal Mode, except for a few key differences:

  • For each match, a set of 12 items is randomly generated and announced in the chat.
  • The Wind Down modifier is enabled for the duration of the game, gradually increasing the rate at which items are given to a maximum of one item per second. No other modifiers may be enabled.
  • When a match ends, there is a short resting period in which the current status of the game is announced. This is immediately followed by the next match or the end of the game, depending on whether one player has won enough matches. This resting period is also used to clear the arena and reset the item delay to 15 seconds for the next match.

Spectators may also see how many matches each team has won in the scoreboard sidebar display for the duration of the game.

XP and Ranks

XP (short for experience) is a ranking system exclusive to 1v1 Duel Mode.

Players receive or lose XP depending on the outcome of a game of 1v1 Duel Mode, and XP translates to ranks and boots worn by the player at any time.

Leaving a game of 1v1 Duel Mode early starts a 1 minute timeout, and if the player does not rejoin during this timeout period, the game ends due to forfeit (the player who forfeits incurs an XP penalty when they rejoin, while the player remaining receives XP compensation).

XP translates to the following ranks and boots (note that XP is clamped to values of 0-1300):

  • 0-99 XP: Unranked (dark-gray-colored leather boots)
  • 100-399 XP: Bronze (bronze-colored leather boots)
  • 400-699 XP: Silver (iron boots)
  • 700-999 XP: Gold (gold boots)
  • 1000-1299 XP: Diamond (diamond boots)
  • 1300 XP: Champion (netherite boots)

Players can tell their rank by looking at their action bar in the Lobby, the experience bar on their HUD, or the ranked boots in their inventory (note that all kinds of ranked boots have the same level of armor protection).

XP, ranks, and rank boots are not present on the CubeKrowd version of Rocket Riders due to the difficulties of maintaining fairness in the ranking system and storing XP data on a multiplayer network with multiple independent Rocket Riders lobbies.


The items which can be obtained in 1v1 Duel Mode are the same as in Normal Mode. However, they aren’t all accessible at the same time. A set of 12 items is randomly generated for each match, which consists of the following: